Current Inventory
Ritual and Belief in Morocco by Edward Westermarck
The Homeric Imagination: A Study of Homer’s Poetic Perception of Reality by Paolo Vivante
The Saga of Hrolf Kraki by Stella M. Mills
Serpent And Siva Worship And Mythology, In Central America, Africa, And Asia. And The Origin Of Serpent Worship. Two Treatises by Hyde Clarke and C. Staniland Wake
Home Life in Turkey by Lucy M. J. Garnett
The Age of the Gods: A Study in the Origins of Culture in Prehistoric Europe and the Ancient East by Christopher Dawson
The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria by Morris Jastrow
The Western Response to Zoroaster by J. Duchesne-Guillemin
Tannhauser Minnesinger and Knight Templar. A Metrical Romance. Time of Third and Fourth Crusades by Charles G. Kendall
The Water Carriers in Hades: A Study of Catharsis Through Toil in Classical Antiquity by Eva Keels
Religion in Greek Literature A Sketch in Outline by Lewis Campbell
Syncretism In the West: Pico’s 900 Thesis (1486) The Evolution of Traditional and Religious Philosophical Systems with Texts, Translations and Commentary by S.A. Farmer