Current Inventory
Elegant Nightmares: The English Ghost Story from Le Fang to Blackwood, published by Jack Sullivan
Iamblichus on The Mysteries of the Egyptian, Chaldeans, and Assyrians Translated From the Greek by Thomas Taylor
Interpretation and Dionysos: Method in the Study of a God by Park McGinty
The Dionysian Artificers by Hippolyto Joseph da Costa with an Introductory Essay on the Myth of Dionysus by Manly P. Hall
The Plight of a Sorcerer by Georges Dumezil edited by Jaan Puhvel and David Weeks
Vampires in the Carpathians: Magical Acts, Rites, and Beliefs in Subcarpathian Rus by Petr Bogatyrev
Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies by the Abbe J.A. Dubois
A Collection of Highland Rites and Customs Copied by Edward Lloyd from the Manuscript of the Rev. James Kirkwood
Holy Types; or the Gospel of Leviticus: A Series of Lectures on The Hebrew Ritual by Joseph A. Seiss
The Unpublished Legends of Virgil collected by Charles Godfrey Leland
The Sun and the Serpent: A Contribution to the History of Serpent-Worship by C.F. Oldham
Myths of Crete & Pre-Hellenic Europe by Donald A. Mackenzie