Current Inventory
Womankind: In All Ages of Western Europe: From the Earliest Times to the Seventeenth Century by Thomas Wright
Where the Forest Murmurs: Nature Essays by Fiona MacLeod
The Gnosis or Ancient Wisdom in the Christian Scriptures or The Wisdom in a Mystery by William Kingsland
The Wisdom of the Egyptians: The Story of the Egyptians, the Religion of the Ancient Egyptians, the Ptah-Hotep and the Ke’gemeni, the “book of the Dead, “ the Wisdom of Hermes Trismegistus, Egyptian Magic, the Book of Thoth edited with an introduction by Brian Brown
The Devil’s Rainments by Martin Duffy
Beowulf and the Bear’s Son: Epic, Saga and Fairytale in the Northern Germanic Tradition
The Roots of Witchcraft by Michael Harrison
The Cycles of the Kings by Myles Dillon
The Sea Kings of Crete by James Baikie
Psyche: The Cult of Souls and Belief in Immortality Among the Greeks by Erwin Rohde
Buddhist Birth-Stories (Jataka Tales) The Commentarial Introduction Entitled Nidana-Katha: the Story of the Lineage translated from Prof. V. Fausboll’s edition of the Pali text by T.W. Rhys Davids
The Winged Word: A Study in the Technique of Ancient Greek Oral Composition as Seen Principally through Hesiod’s Work and Days by Berkley Peabody