Current Inventory
Erex Saga and Ivens Saga: The Old Norse Versions of Chretien de Troye’s Erec and Yvain translated with an introduction by Foster W. Blaisdell and Marianne E. Kalinke
Greek and Roman Ghost Stories by Lacy Collison-Morley
The Spice of Torah-Gematria by Gutman G. Locks
The Fairy Land of Science by Arabella B. Buckley
Grimoire of St Cyprian Clavis Inferni by Stephen Skinner and David Rankine
Sexual Alchemy: Magical Intercourse with Spirits by Donald Tyson
Legendary Fictions of The Irish Celts Collected and Narrated by Patrick Kennedy
Traditions, Superstitions, and Folk-Lore, (Chiefly Lancashire and the North of England) Their Affinity to Others in Widely Distributed Localities Their Eastern Origin and Mythical Significance by Charles Hardwick
The Occult in America: New Historical Perspectives edited by Howard Kerry and Charles L. Crow
Beowulf: An Introduction to the Study of the Poem with a Discussion of the Stories of Offa and Finn by R.W. Chambers
Home of Nymphs and Vampires: The Isles of Greece by George Horton
Womankind: In All Ages of Western Europe: From the Earliest Times to the Seventeenth Century by Thomas Wright