Ancient Civilization
Etruscan Researches by Isaac Taylor
Poine A Study in Ancient Greek Blood-Vengeance by Hubert J. Treston
Virgil’s Messianic Eclogue: It’s Meaning, Occasion, & Sources Three Studies by Joseph B. Mayor, W. Warde Fowler and R.S. Conway
Myths of Crete & Pre-Hellenic Europe by Donald A. Mackenzie
The Age of the Gods: A Study in the Origins of Culture in Prehistoric Europe and the Ancient East by Christopher Dawson
The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria by Morris Jastrow
Religion in Greek Literature A Sketch in Outline by Lewis Campbell
The Wayland-Dietrich Saga: The Saga of Dietrich of Bern and His Companions
The Epics of Kings: Stories Retold from Firdusi by Helen Zimmern
Myths & Legends of Babylonia & Assyria by Lewis Spence
Palaeolithic Man and Terramara Settlements in Europe by Robert Munro
The Viking Age: The Early History, Manners, and Customs of the Ancestors of the English-Speaking Nations. Illustrated from The Antiquities Discovered in Mounds, Cairns, and Bogs as Well as from the Ancient Sagas and Eddas by Paul B. Du Chaillu