Why She Became a Spiritualist, Twelve lectures delivered before the Minneapolis Association of Spiritualists by Abby A. Judson
Footfalls on the Boundary of Another World with Narrative Illustrations by Robert Dale Owen
The Spiritual Magazine Vol. 1 by S. Watson
Table Rapping and Automatic Writing by Alexander Verner
The Mystery of the Buried Crosses: A Narrative of Psychic Exploration by Hamlin Garland
Appearances of the Dead A Cultural History of Ghosts by R.C. Finucane
The Mediumship of the Tape Recorder by D.J. Ellis
Thirty Years Among the Dead by Carl A. Wickland
Haunted Houses by Camille Flammarion
The Newer Spiritualism by Frank Podmore
Psychical Research and the Resurrection by James Hyslop
Illusions: A Psychological Study by James Sully