The Gnosis or Ancient Wisdom in the Christian Scriptures or The Wisdom in a Mystery by William Kingsland
Incidents in the Life of Madame Blavatsky by A.P. Sinnett
The Key to Theosophy by H.P. Blavatsky
Thought Forms by Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater
Light of the Sanctuary The Occult Diary of Geoffrey Hodson compiled by Sandra Hodson
Reminiscences of H.P. Blavatsky and “The Secret Doctrine” by The Countess Constance Wachtmeister, F.T.S. and Others
The Kingdom of the Gods by Geoffrey Hodson
Light of the Sanctuary The Occult Diary of Geoffrey Hodson compiled by Sandra Hodson
Freedom and Friendship The Call of Theosophy and The Theosophical Society As Heard by George S. Arundale
The Temple Artisan 1929-1933