Syncretism In the West: Pico’s 900 Thesis (1486) The Evolution of Traditional and Religious Philosophical Systems with Texts, Translations and Commentary by S.A. Farmer
The Dissertations of Maximus Tyrius Translated from the Greek by Thomas Taylor
On the Nature of Things (T. Lucreti Cari De Rerum Natura Libri Sex) with Notes and a Translation by H. A. J. Munri
Pleasure & the Good Life: Plato, Aristotle, & the Neoplatonists by Gerd Van Riel
Universal Salvation in Late Antiquity: Porphyry of Tyre and the Pagan-Christian Debate by Michael Simmons
Lord of the Cosmos: Mithras, Paul, and The Gospel of Mark by Michael Patella
The Poem of Empedocles with a Text and Translation with an Introduction by Brad Inwood
Plotinus by Lloyd P. Gerson
Form and Transformation: A Study in the Philosophy of Plotinus by Frederic M. Schroeder
Platonism and the English Imagination edited by Anna Baldwin and Sarah Hutton
Gnosis: Divine Wisdom by Frithjof Schuon
Chaucer’s Neoplatonism: Varieties of Love, Friendship, and Community by John M. Hill