Arcananum Bestiarum of the Subtil and Occult Virtue of Divers Beasts by Robert Fitzgerald
An Introduction to the Study of Jacob Boehme’s Writings by A.J. Penny
A Mathematical Theory of Spirit: Being an Attempt to Employ Certain Mathematical Principles in the Elucidation of Some Metaphysical Problems by H.S. Redgrove
Ars Philtron: Concerning the Aqueous Cunning of the Potion And Its Praxis in the Green Art Magical Edition Codex Vascular Written and Illustrated by Daniel A. Schulke
Tantraraja Tantra by J. Woodroffe
Practical Mind-Reading A Course of Lessons on Thought Transference-Telepathy, Mental Currents, Mental Rapport, etc. by William Walker Atkinson
The Adepts in the Eastern Esoteric Tradition by Manly Palmer Hall Part One: The Light of the Vedas
Our Story of Atlantis or The Three Steps with a preface by Emerson M. Clymer
Legion 49 by Barry William Hale
Three Books of Occult Philosophy by Henry Cornelius Agrippa
Old Daniel; Or, Memoir of a Converted Hindoo with Observations on Mission Work in the Goobbe Circuit, and Description of Village Life in India by Thomas Hodson
Conjugial Love and Its Chaste Delights; also, Adulterous Love and its Sinful Pleasures by Emanuel Swedenborg