The Mystery and Romance of Alchemy and Pharmacy by C.J.S. Thompson
The Mystery and Romance of Alchemy and Pharmacy by C.J.S. Thompson, published in 1897. Sections Include: The Dawn of the Art of Healing, The Wizards of Early Greece, The Wizards of the Roman Empire, The Fathers of Medicine, The Early Age of Green and Roman Pharmacy, Alchemy, The Philosophers Stone, The Black Art and Occult Sciences, The Art of Foretelling, Black Magic, Superstition and it’s Influence on Medicine, Love Philtres, The Pioneers of Pharmacy and Botany, Physic Gardens, Amulets, Talismans and Charms, Monk Physicians, Itinerant Doctors, Surgery in the Middle Ages, Plant Lore, Drug Charms, Folk Medicine, Mummies and Their Use in Medicine, The Unicorn, Origin of the Society of Apothecaries, Curious Remedies, The Antiquity and History of the Mortar, etc. etc. Illustrated. Hardcover with decorative boards and light shelfwear to corners and ends.