Current Inventory
Legenda XIX-XXX
Science, Meaning, & Evolution: The Cosmology of Jacob Boehme, by Basarab Nicolescu
Instrumentum VOL. XI, NO. I by Michael Bertiaux and Others
Guillaume Postel Prophet of the Restitution of All Things His Life and Thought by Marion L. Kuntz
Les plus secrets mystères des Hauts Grades de la Maçonnerie dévoilés
Water Which Does Not Wet Hands The Alchemy of Michael Sendivgius by Zbigniew Szydlo
Psychical Research and the Resurrection by James Hyslop
Illusions: A Psychological Study by James Sully
The Scientific Basis of Spiritualism by Epes Sargent
The Indian Philosophical Congress: Silver Jubilee Commemoration Volume
On Miracles and Modern Spiritualism by Alfred Wallace
Alchemy It’s Science and Romance by J. Mercer