Legion 49 by Barry William Hale


Legion 49 by Barry William Hale, published in 2009. “Barry William Hale has nurtured an early fascination with the order Diptera to develop a buzzing, post-modern grimoire-bestiarum. Drawn from many years practical experience working with Beelzebub and his servitors, Legion 49 provides us with a rare glimpse of ‘the Lord of the Flies’ and the dark quintessence of his Legion. In a series of short, de-constructionist essays the artist explores traditional methods of evocation and the myths surrounding Beelzebub, before providing an iconographical and sigillic recension of his horde of forty-nine servitors, glimpsed through the protective-symmetry of the paper-cut traditions of old Mexico.” Sections Include: Larvae of God: The Conjurational Art of Barry William Hale an Introduction by Robert Fitzgerald, Conjuration of Beelzebuth from the Grimorium Verum, Conjuration, Constraint, Coercion and Congress, The Commonwealth of Hades, The Fortress of Paradise, The Childe of Innocence, The Sword: A Bridge of Iron and Tongue of Steel, Zoanthropy, Beelzebub: The Might Mysophilote, The Legion, etc. etc. Hardcover with original jacket, with only the very lightest shelfwear. Includes the promotional fly wing bookmark.