Essays of an Americanist by Daniel G. Brinton


Essays of an Americanist by Daniel G. Brinton, published in 1890. Sections Include: A Review for the Study of the Pre-Historic Chronology of America, On Paleoliths American and Other, On the Alleged Mongolian Affinities of the American Race, The Toltecs and Their Fabulous Empire, The Sacred Names in Quiche Mythology, The Hero-God of the Algonkins as a Cheat and a Liar, The Journey of the Soul, The Sacred Symbols in America, The Folk Lore of the Yucatan, The Phonetic Elements in the Graphic System of the Mayas and Mexicans, The Writings and Records of the Ancient Mayas, The Books of Chilan Balam, On the Stone of the Giants, The Earliest Form of Human Speech as Revealed by American Tongues, etc. etc. Hardcover in deep red with gilt lettering to spine, only the very lightest shelfwear to corners and ends. Occasional old historical society stamps.