Arcananum Bestiarum of the Subtil and Occult Virtue of Divers Beasts by Robert Fitzgerald
Arcananum Bestiarum of the Subtil and Occult Virtue of Divers Beasts by Robert Fitzgerald and Illustrations by Liv-Rainey-Smith, published in 2012. Inscribed by illustrator on the title page. “Written in the great tradition of the medieval bestiaries, Robert Fitzgerald’s long-awaited new work Arcanum Bestiarum re-imagines the animal menagerie in the context of bestial mystery and atavistic power. Written for the modern magical practitioner and zoophile, the 272-page volume examines the occult virtues and totemic majesties of fifty animals, theriomorphs, and their kindred. Correspondences with deific powers, atavistic wisdom, and mythopoetic emanation are examined, especially in light of the tutelary powers all animals possess.” The text is graced with fifty-five original woodcut illustrations by artist Liv Rainey-Smith, prepared especially for this title in close collaboration with the author. Amongst the more ambitious renderings in the work are the occult cryptofauna Homunculus, Manticore, Ouroboros, and Basilisk, as well as animals prominent in the ancient dawn of magick: the Bear, Goat, Viper, Peacock, and more. Completing the design elements is an original typeface designed for the work by calligrapher Gail Coppock, serving to illuminate this grimoire of the Magician’s Primal Eden. Hardcover with only the very lightest shelfwear.