Chinese Ghouls and Goblins by G. Willoughby-Meade


Chinese Ghouls and Goblins by G. Willoughby-Meade, circa 1927. Sections Include: What is the Chinese Idea of the Soul? Good Spirits and Bad, Good and Spirits and Bad, Popular Taoism: The Craft of the Wizard and the Fortune Teller, Men and Animals: Treating of Were-Wolves and Beast Spectres Generally, Dragons and Monsters, Divination and Magic, Ancestor Worship, Vampires, The Spirits of Inanimate Objects: Hauntings of Inanimate Objects: Hantings and Apparitions of Lifeless Things, Feng Shui: The Magic of Wind and Water, One Touch Of Nature, Chinese and Other Folk Tales, Spiritualism, etc. etc. Hardcover with light shelfwear to corners and ends.