VIRIDARIUM UMBRIS: The Pleasure-Garden of Shadow by Daniel A. Schulke
VIRIDARIUM UMBRIS: The Pleasure-Garden of Shadow by Daniel A. Schulke, published in 2005. (Arbor Infernis Edition Deluxe Limited Edition with hand-drawn talisman) This was a special edition edition limited to 77 copies, this being copy no. 66. Bound in Moss-green cloth with Mandrake Death’s Head blocked in gold on the front cover. An original hand-drawn coloured ink on papyrus talisman by Schulke representing “one of the 77 Emanants of the Arbor Infernis – the liminal genii of Midnight’s Eden” is housed in a loosely inserted special green card folder. The volume is described as “…An extensive grimorium of wortcunning, or plant-magic, the Pleasure Garden treats of the Secret Knowledge of Trees and Herbs as delivered by the Fallen Angels unto Man. The book’s principal concerns are the sorcery and gnosis of the Greenwood. The work encompasses magical practices, formulae, and mystical exegesis, all treating the respective arcana of plant genii. The whole is a textual reification of occult herbalism within the Sabbatic Craft Tradition, and the greater ambit of Witch-lore.” A scarce edition of hard-to-obtain book by this prominent member of the Cultus Sabbati, following in the magical footsteps of Andrew Chumbley, Austin Osman Spare, etc. Appears unused, thus in Fine condition. A truly lovely production of a work now scarce in all editions.