The Modern Alchemist: A Guide to Personal Transformation by Richard and Iona Miller


The Modern Alchemist: A Guide to Personal Transformation by Richard and Iona Miller published in 1994 for Phanes press. Complete with seventeen engravings from The Book of Lambsprinck depicting the alchemical process, faithfully and rigorously reproduced by Joel Radcliffe. Sections Include: The Prima Materia, The Nitride, The Union of Opposites, Participation Mystique, Solutio, Coagulatio, Sublimatio, Albedo Rubio and Coniunctio, Solificatio, The Philosopher’s Stone, Puer/Senex, The Transcendent Function, Devouring Father, Anima Consciousness, Individuation and Rebirth, Ultima Materia, etc. etc. This was the publisher’s personal copy of the book gifted by the illustrator, the celebrated bookbinder and artist the late Seattle occult binder Joel Radcliffe. Custom bound in a fine quarter morocco leather binding with raised spine hubs and in a custom slipcase. Tucked into the book is a letter from the binder/illustrator discussing the one of a kind gift for the publisher. An absolutely stunning one of a kind volume on alchemy.