Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies by the Abbe J.A. Dubois


(Two Volume Set) Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies by the Abbe J.A. Dubois translated from the author’s later French Ms. and edited with Notes, Corrections and Biography by Henry K. Beauchamp, published in 1897. With a Prefatory Note by the Right Hon. F. Max Muller and a Portrait. Sections Include: General View of Society in India, and General Remarks on the Caste System, Antiquity and Origin of Caste, The Lower Classes of Sudras, The Mythical Origin of the Brahmins, The Different Hindu Sects, The Four States of Brahmnical Life, External Defilements, Internal Defilements, The Various Occupations of the Brahmins, Rules of Conduct for Married Women, Hindu Fables, Religion, Metempsychosis, Explanation of this Religious Doctrine, Brahma, Siva, The Worship of Animals, Siva Ratri or Siva’s Night, Magic Syllables, etc. etc. Hardcover with gilt lettering and shelfwear to corners and ends.